
VSE 1: Killer Turkey!, or Why be Thankful?

VSE 2: The Meaning of Gifts, or Receive and Leave.

VSE 3: Resolutions, or Who Needs a New Year?

VSE 4: To Drink or not to Drink, or I Puke for Thee.

VSE 6: Role Call, or 15 Minutes of Lame.

VSE 7: A Week without a Restroom, or Stairs of Doom.

VSE 8: Halloweeny, or I Think Sepiroth was Compensating.

Very Speical 008

VSE 9: Turkey Surprise, or Feathers of Death!

VSE 10: Chrismahanakwanzakah, or Norwicathiddddahidoo.

VSE 12: 8 Days of X-mas, or Being Cliché

VSE 13: Redo-Resolutions, or Who Wants a New Year?

VSE 15: Even Christ likes Chocolate, or I'm Going to Hell for This.

VSE 17: When Two become One, or License to Nag.

VSE 19: Halloweeny II, or Treat or Tick.

VSE 20: Ander vs. Predator, or Gobble, Gobble, Die.

VSE 22: 8 Reasons, or Why Ander Hates Christmas.

VSE 23: Redoing-Redo-Resolutions, or Again with a New Year?

VSE 24: Life Cycle of an Ander, or 'Cause it's Funny.

Very Speical 024

VSE 30: Halloweeny III, or Nothing Like a Wookie Moment.

VSE 31: I Came for the Cranberry Sauce, or To Servce Elf.

VSE 33: The Smell of Antonio, or A Wift of Something Special.

VSE 34: Gradumatation, or What the Hell do I do Now?

VSE 35: A Story of Lights, or the Ander Lasted 8 Days!

VSE 36: Redoing-Redo-Redo-Resolutions, or Why a New Year?

VSE 38: Not Quite a Card, or Ardere's Fired, Again...

VSE 39: A River of Green Vomit, or Other Things You'll Regret...

VSE 41: A Good Friday, or How to Make a Jesus Christ on a Cross

             with Almonds!.

VSE 42: A Better Sunday, or How to Distribute a Jesus Christ on

            a Cross, with Almonds!.

VSE 45: Moving Time, or Slide Show: A Lost Art.

VSE 48: Halloweeny IV, or "You'll End Up as a Stain on my Blade".

VSE 49: A good Present or Santa, or Probably a Better One for Ander.

VSE 50: Redoing-Redo-Redo-Redo-Resolutions, or A New Year?

VSE 51: A Gift from the Heart, or A Gift of a Heart?

VSE 52: I think I Broke My Jesus, or If Ander was Our Savior.

VSE 54: Halloweeny V, or He was Just Giving Free Drinks!

VSE 55: The Day After X-mas, or Why I love Public Domain.

VSE 56: Redoing-Redo-Redo-Redo-Redo-Resolutions, or New?

VSE 57: Valentines, or Something I Threw Together.

VSE 58: Redoing-Redo-Redo-Redo-Redo-Redo-Resolutions, or ?

VSE 59: 7 Years of Twobit, or 6 Months of Actual Work.

Very Speical 059

VSE 60: This is Your Twobit Heros Life.

VSE 61: Halloweeny VI, or Poor Choices.

VSE 62: It Rhymes, or Not...

VSE 63: Redoing-Redo-Redo-Redo-Redo-Redo-Redo-Resolutions, or...

VSE 64: Dating Advise According to Twobit, or What Not to Do.

VSE 65: Drinking Games, or You have to Dilute it with Vodka...

VSE 66: Easter is Full of Traditions, or Things They Don't Do Anymore.

VSE 67: Photo Booth, or You Don't Want to Know.

VSE 68: Test Chamber Testing, or "Play" Testing.

VSE 69: Halloweeny VII, or Sayonara Mr. Alderan.

VSE 70: Eight Years, for This?, or Best Career Choice Ever?

VSE 71: Role Reversal, or Happy Andergiving!

VSE 72: Shouldn't it be Halls?, or They Thought he was Tied Down...

VSE 73: Redoing-Redo-Redo-Redo-Redo-Redo-Redo-Redo-Resolutions, or ?

VSE 74: Another 13, or somehting screwy....,

VSE 75: Same old, same old... or, What a Fan Really Thinks...

VSE 76: The Foliage Looks a little Old, or In his Dreams, Xaviers are Trees.

VSE 77: Teaser PLeaser, or That's What She Said!

VSE 78: Variety is the Spice of Life, or a Little Sin for Everyone.

He was Reading in his Cabin, and then This Happened.

Woot, Naked Silhouette! Ohhh. Of Ruphus...

Transformation Music: Garbage's Cherry Lips.

There's Always Discussion before the Badguy Gets It.

Proof that Drinking can be Bad to Your Health.

SMS 005

Sometimes the Old Ways Work Better...

Endless Ideas. Not Good Ones, Per Say...

Blaz'n Blue!

How Deep the Rabbit Ho, Wait, This isn't Right...

Only When Girls Do It.


A Way with Words.

That'll Ruin Breakfast...

CCA 005

She'll have a Future in the Film Biz. One of Them...

Coffee Break.

It's Worse than You Think; She had Her Dance.

Nothing like Getting some Action!

There's at Least One in the Ceiling.

Binding the Card. With Women...

It is Quicker!

Plug In.

Name Dropping.

Yet Familiar

E2 01003

Definition of Good.

Expecting More.

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